Lease, 1660, January 19.


Lease, 1660, January 19.

Lease made by John, earl of Bridgewater, viscount Brackley, and baron of Ellesmere, to William Butler of Ivingho (Bucks.), husbandman, of a piece of certain waste on common ground called "St. Margaretts Wood," parcel of the manor of Great Gadesden, abutting on the other part of said common ground belonging to St. Margarettswood within the lordship of Ivingho aforesaid, "and shooting down the Hill from the highway to the front of Michaell Hookes"; and 1 other parcel of land in the same wood lying above the said highway near the house and front of the said William Butler, as the same is now bounded out and divided from another parcel set out for one Askew Mathewes; except and always reserved unto the said earl, his heirs, and assigns, or them thereunto authorized, "free liberty of fowleing, hawkening, and hunting in, over, or through the said premises, and of persueing, takeing, and carrying away the game that may be there found or taken; for a term of 1000 years at a yearly rent of 2d., with power to re-enter in case of non-payment." Given 19 January, 1659.

1 item : parchment ; 32 x 46.5 cm.

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Butler, William, fl. 17th century. (person)

Matthews, Askew, fl. 17th century. (person)

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